silver medal

After a year since our bronze medal achievement, we are very proud to announce that EcoVadis has awarded us a silver medal

This recognition confirms how we are advancing in our commitment to sustainability and implementing effective sustainable practices by conducting responsible business.
This result is very important for us at Bonomi Industries because it rewards our daily engagement and marks another step along our path towards a more sustainable way of working and living.

During the 2023 evaluation, the sustainability performance of Bonomi Industries once again achieved positive scores in terms of the environment, working practices, human rights, sustainable purchasing, and ethics.
However, this is not a point of arrival but rather something that spurs us to continue. 
The road ahead is still long and challenging, but it excites us. Boosted by the recognition we have received, we are ready to further our commitment to improve and achieve our goals.

For us, this acknowledgment is not only a medal to showcase but also a concrete demonstration that we are following the right path and can have a positive impact worldwide.

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